

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been a tad awol lately. Now, it’s not because I haven’t been cooking and taking pictures, but to be brutally honest with you, I kind of forgot how to blog. You think it’s easy being a world renowned blogger? Well, it’s not. Truth is, I started feeling a lot of pressure to have these super awesome posts, that I ended up not posting anything…and that’s how I found coffee.

Ok that’s not true, but I wasn’t really sure how to end our little therapy session, and I’m still a little rusty in the intro part…gimme some time to get back into the thick of things.


Also, as I’m sure you no doubt noticed, this is part of this month’s Kosher Connection Link Up, on the Best Food I Ever Ate…I know, coffee? The best food you ever ate? Totally weak sauce, but to be honest, I’ve never had a “best” food. I always hated that question. I like everything, and I especially like coffee, so coffee it is.

Anyway, on to coffee.

I am crazy about my coffee. It’s the one thing that I consider myself a real snob about. When people start to tell me about how passionate they are about their coffee also, all I have to say is “I grind my coffee every morning, and I weigh the beans and water out, on a scale.” Now, iI’m not necessarily proud of my weird obsession, and it’s not like it’s a competition of who’s the craziest about their coffee (although if it was, I would win some weird pretentious hipster prize, like a handle-bar moustache, or maybe a gift card to urban outfitters, or something like that), but that’s how much I love my coffee. There really is a difference between bad, mediocre, good, and great coffee, and I’m here to tell you that you can learn to love your coffee too.

Let’s start from the beginning. Coffee starts out as a fruit that kind of resembles a cherry, with a “seed” on the inside. That seed is then fermented (in one particular weird example, this takes place in the stomach of a small animal known as the civet, and the seeds are then harvested from the fecal matter of the civet…yay science!), then they’re dried, and finally roasted. Depending on how long they’re roasted for, the beans go from light to medium to dark. As the beans roast, they darken with a little help from the Maillard reaction (remember Monsieur Maillard from famous applications such as Toast – a lifelong obsession with coloring bread, and of course who could forget: Browning Meat – making meat taste better, and NOT because I seal in juices!) and will start to develop it’s characteristic flavors. Generally speaking, medium roasts are the best full flavored, combining coffee and roast flavors well; Whereas with dark roasts, you only taste the roast, and not the actual coffee.

There’s also the whole thing about where your beans come from. There are a whole bunch of places that grow coffee (Fun Fact – Hawaii is the only US state that grows coffee), and it’s hard to say which one is better, but famous coffees to name just two from the many are Blue Mountain from Jamaica and Kona from Hawaii. That being said, it’s pretty rare to get these coffees without it being a blend with other varieties, or without costing a ton of money. And to be honest with you, I think it’s better to buy fresh coffee, and grind it yourself daily, than to buy a fancy pre-ground coffee…but that’s just my opinion, man.

Ok so now that you’ve procured your coffee, you want to brew it, so you can get it into your gluttonous face correct? Well, we have to talk science for just one second, k? Your cup o` joe is what it is because it extracts all of it’s super goodness out of the ground beans, and the whole process of extraction is about a few things 1) time 2) temperature 3) particle size, and each one is dependant on the other, so if we increase one we decrease the other.

To get the right particle size, we need to grind up the coffee beans. There are two ways to grind up the beans. You can either use a spice grinder, which is like a mini food processor, and has a blade whirring around on the bottom. Or you can use what’s called a burr grinder, which is like two cones inverted into one another, and you can control the amount of space in between. The main difference between the two is a burr grinder has much better control over the size of the grind.


When does this matter? Well the size of the grind is what determines the surface area of the coffee that’s in contact with the water, which will extract the goodness out of the coffee, and that gets into the two other components, time and temperature.


Let’s say you wanted to make your coffee in about 15 seconds, you would need a really small grind so there is more surface area in contact with the water, so you would need a really really small grind, and a very high temperature; so high in fact, you would need to boil the water under a lot of pressure, so the temperature of the water can be higher than a measly 212 (-ish depending on where you are), so you can really get the water hotter, and by doing all this you would have espresso (which is also why a really good espresso machine costs a lot of money). Now on the other end of the spectrum, what if you wanted to make coffee that would sit over night, and brew for a really long time. Well you have to use a really large grind, and cooler temperature; and there you have cold brewed coffee.

Ok, so now that we’ve covered the basics, and pretty much lost any semblance of an audience (Hi mom and dad!), let’s get into how I make coffee pretty much every day; The drip method. It’s a really simple way to make one cup of awesome coffee (and not a whole pot of crappy coffee).


It starts with grinding your beans, to a medium consistency (not the smallest, but also not the biggest), a scale (yes, a scale for making coffee…I know you think I’m weird, but you’re weird also), water that’s just under a boil (optimum temperature for making coffee is 195-205, and water boils at 212, so boil your water, and let it sit uncovered for a 2 minutes or so). The rest is pretty simple.

Gather your drip cone, and paper filter, and wash it out with some water (there might be dirt and particles in the paper, that if you’re going through the trouble of making awesome coffee, what’s another few seconds to make sure it really is awesome). Then place it on your cup, on the scale, and tare (zero) the scale.

Place you coffee grind, and since we’ve established I’m a certified weirdo, I have a chart that I wrote down exactly how much water correlates to how much coffee grind. (In case you’re wondering, by weight the ratio of coffee to water is 1:22.26…did y’all know I was this OCD?)


I then pour a little of the water just to moisten the beans, and let it sit for 30 seconds or so. This is called “blooming” the coffee, and starts the process of releasing the essential oils from the beans.


Then I pour the remainder of the water, stir with a spoon, and allow it to finish dripping.

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I then pour in a splash of whole milk (sometimes I even go for an even smaller splash of half and half), and that’s it. I know it sounds complicated, but it really is a simple process.

Questions? Comments? Just miss me so much, that you want to chat? Well I’m back baby, and the phone lines are open, so comment away, let’s talk food.

I know there’s a lot more to talk about in regards to coffee. Like, what’s the deal with a French press? The newfangled aero press? What about the chemex system? Well, it’s too much to get into, but ask away, and I can pretend like I know what I’m talking about.

Are you really still reading? You must be super bored at work, well since you’re so bored, as usual check out the other posts as part of the Link Up, by clicking on the funny frog guy on the bottom here.

27 thoughts on “Coffee

  1. I love this post! I am a total coffee snob. I have never thought to weigh my grounds though. I also use the filter over the cup method. I love it! I also like that you “rinse” the filter first. So good!


    1. So the difference is namely in how it gets brewed. With pour over, you’re relying on gravity to pull the water through the grind, and the idea is that the water isn’t in contact for a whole lot of time, however that amount of time is not really controlled by you. With a French Press, you control the amount of time you want the coffee to sit with the water, and do its thing. So typically, and this really depends on the grind size, 4 minutes is the accepted amount of brew time. You then have to manually remove the coffee. You will need a bigger grind for the french press than with the pour over. My only gripe with french presses are they don’t really do such a great job separating the grind, so I find that I need a filter with it anyway (It could be my so-so burr grinder) Now an aeropress, is something that combines pour over and french press. You pour water over grind, and then wait sometime for it to brew, and then press down to push the water through. I’ve never had, but to me the only draw back is that you have to buy special filters for it.


      1. I also have a problem with sediment getting through. I ask Starbucks to grind the beans (I save my extra $$$ for smoking equipment, not grinders). I usually ask them to grind it medium-coarse. I am thinking of going for a coarse grind to avoid the sludge.


      2. As an aeropress enthusiast I would recommend actually spending a few shekels and getting a focus-made, stainless steel, micropore, disc filter. Its a one-time purchase, lasts forever and it has the advantage of not absorbing any of the coffees oils on filtration.

        PS: I would also point out that a years supply of aeropress paper filters will set you back about $4. And thats after you run out of the years supply that comes included with the press.

        PPS: the disc filter is also available in 18k gold for a completely non-reactive filter, although Ive never tasted any metalic flavor using the steel one.


      3. Hey Xvi…thanks for the recommendation…I’ve always wanted to try an aeropress, but have never gotten around to it..Now I just might…$4 isn’t a lot of money for a years supply


    1. As for coffee’s effect on teeth – obviously coffee can stain teeth. However, you can greatly decrease that by drinking through a straw. Other than that, coffee isn’t necessarily bad for your teeth…It is acidic (pH around 5…compared to soda which is around 3), but without getting too much into it, as with anything that’s bad for your teeth, it’s not quantity of said bad food that causes problems, it’s the amount of time said food spends on your teeth, and the amount of time your teeth have to recover…so for example – it’s better (from a dental standpoint) to drink a whole cup of soda in one go, than to constantly sip soda throughout the day (basically – acidic environments are what really cause decay [sugar enables your mouth to become more acidic], and once your mouth receives some sort of acidic attack, it takes a while for it to recover…however if you’re constantly drinking something acidic, than your mouth never has the ability to recover…)..make sense?


      1. it wouldn’t balance it out, and i wouldn’t stress out too much about drinking coffee, or soda for that matter, it’s just knowing what I said about length of time on your teeth versus amount of stuff on your teeth


  2. im very hurt, who got you into this filter and who bought you this filter? and who made you into the coffee snob that you are?


  3. “Are you really still reading? You must be super bored at work.”
    Stop looking over my shoulder! I’m sending a copy of this post to my Son-in-law. He is mad into coffee AND an engineer (and probably has a little OCD, but that’s kind of redundant). He is so particular about his coffee that he might argue a bit about the ratios and all that. Me? I have been known to pour the coffee left over yesterday at work over ice and stick in a straw (please don’t judge).


  4. Not bored at all. The last thing I think about before falling asleep is my morning coffee. Is that sick or what! I have been in love with coffee since my parents let me start drinking it at age 6 and is the one thing I will not give up for any reason. I learned that what you describe as the best method IS the best method long ago during a power outage and was able to boil water on a portable stove but not use my electric drip machine. Dripping nearly boiled water through grinds into a cup makes awesome coffee. btw, my favorite beans are Fairway’s Santo Domingo.


    1. I’m always thinking about my fact I want one now! Usually the problem with the drip machines is that the water can’t get hot enough, and it doesn’t brew the coffee long enough I like getting my beans from Fresh Market, and I alternate between their Columbian and Costa Rican variety.


  5. I can’t believe we both chose coffee, although mine added some flavors, it really is one of the best things and your brewing method is very different from mine. To me it really all comes down to the beans, but I have never enjoyed the drip brew, but never tried it myself.


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